The concept of a smart city has emerged with the development of technology in the 21st century, based on the ideal city concept introduced in the 19th century. Increasing number of people move from rural to urban cities with the rapid increase in the world population. As a result of this, smart city concept become more important all over the world. Smart city components which makes a city turn out to a smart city is investigated in the literature very widely. Although over forty smart city components can be counted in the literature, the main six elements which are smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment and smart living are mostly included in the studies. In this study, these six main smart city components is weighted by one of the most widely used MCDM techniques AHP, DEMATEL and more recently developed techniques BWM and FUCOM. According to the results of analysis, Smart Governance is the most important criteria according to the AHP, BWM and FUCOM methods, while Smart Economy is the most important criteria according to the DEMATEL method. At the same time, Smart people are the least important factor according to the AHP, BWM and FUCOM methods, while Smart Governance is the least important factor according to the DEMATEL.
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