• ISSN: 2148-2225 (online)

Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Kongreleri

alphanumeric journal

The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems

A Literature Review on Machine Learning in The Food Industry


Furkan Açıkgöz

Leyla Zeynep Verçin

Gamze Erdoğan


Machine Learning (ML) has become widespread in the food industry and can be seen as a great opportunity to deal with the various challenges of the field both in the present and near future. In this paper, we analyzed 91 research studies that used at least two ML algorithms and compared them in terms of various performance metrics. China and USA are the leading countries with the most published studies. We discovered that Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest outperformed other ML algorithms, and accuracy is the most used performance metric.

Keywords: Classification, Food Industry, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine

Jel Classification: C46

Suggested citation

Açıkgöz, F., Verçin, L. Z. & Erdoğan, G. (). A Literature Review on Machine Learning in The Food Industry. Alphanumeric Journal, 11(2), 207-222. https://doi.org/10.17093/alphanumeric.1214699


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Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023


alphanumeric journal

Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023

Pages 207-222

Received: Dec. 5, 2022

Accepted: Sept. 14, 2023

Published: Dec. 31, 2023

Full Text [747.3 KB]

2023 Açıkgöz, F., Verçin, LZ., Erdoğan, G.

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