Published: 31.12.2022
The Characteristics of Cryptocurrency Market Volatility: Empirical Study For Five Cryptocurrency
by Tuğba Güz, İlayda İsabetli Fidan
Published: 31.12.2022
Impact of Political Risk on Foreign Direct Investment with Fourier Approach: The Case of Turkiye
by Gökhan Konat
Published: 30.06.2022
The Impact of Google Trends on the Tourist Arrivals: A Case of Antalya Tourism
by Hatice Öncel Çekim, Ahmet Koyuncu
Published: 30.06.2022
Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder for Adolescents Using Artificial Neural Networks
by Sümeyye Çelik, Melike Şişeci Çeşmeli, İhsan Pençe, Özlem Çetinkaya Bozkurt
Published: 30.06.2022
Published: 30.06.2022
Teaching the Median with Terms of Absolute Value, Differentiability, and Optimization
by Mehmet Hakan Satman
Published: 30.06.2022
Financial Stability and Creating Financial Stability Index for Turkey
by Ahmet Zelka
Published: 30.06.2021
Market Basket Analysis of Basket Data with Demographics: A Case Study in E-Retailing
by Ural Gökay Çiçekli, İnanç Kabasakal
Published: 30.06.2021
The Impacts of Central Bank Indicators on Commodity Prices: An Application of ARDL Bounds Test
by Çiğdem Yılmaz Özsoy
Published: 30.06.2021
Published: 30.06.2021
by Kenan Kafkas, Nazım Ziya Perdahçı, Mehmet Nazif Aydın
Published: 30.06.2021
Disassembly Line Balancing by Using Simulation Optimization
by Muhammet Enes Akpınar, Mehmet Ali Ilgın, Hüseyin Aktaş
Published: 30.06.2021
Pharmacy Duty Scheduling Problem: Gumushane Case
by Ahmet Bahadır Şimşek, Seher Merdane, Aydanur Belindir, Ayşenur Akbaş
Published: 30.06.2021
Published: 30.06.2021
Published: 30.06.2021
Classification of Cancer Types by Cluster Analysis Methods
by Aynur İncekırık, Öznur İşçi Güneri, Burcu Durmuş
Published: 31.12.2019
Investigation of the World Railway Sector Development Prospects and Turkey's Status
Demiryolu Sektöründe Dünya Gelişme Beklentileri ve Türkiye’nin Durumunun Araştırılması
by Alper Uğur
Published: 30.06.2019
Investigation of Attitude About Nuclear and Renewable Energy by Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling
Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesiyle (PLS-YEM) Nükleer ve Yenilenebilir Enerjiye İlişkin Tutumların Araştırılması
by Veysel Yılmaz, Yasemin Can, Nil Aras
Published: 30.06.2019
Using Machine Learning Algorithms For Forecasting Rate of Return Product In Reverse Logistics Process
Tersine Lojistik Sürecinde İade Oranlarının Tahmini İçin Makine Öğrenme Algoritmalarının Kullanılması
by Ayşe Nur Adıgüzel Tüylü, Ergün Eroğlu
Published: 30.06.2015
Determining The Relationship Between Happiness and Human Development: Multivariate Statistical Approach
Mutluluk ve İnsani Gelişmişlik Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi: Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yaklaşım
by Dilek Murat, Sevda Gürsakal
Published: 30.06.2015
The Evaluation of The Development Agency Regions In Turkey In Terms of Some Socioeconomic Indicator with Factor Analysis
Türkiye'de Kalkınma Ajansı Bölgelerinin Bazı Sosyoekonomik Göstergeler Bakımından Faktör Analizi İle Değerlendirilmesi
by Hasan Bulut, Yüksel Öner
Published: 30.06.2015
The Research Effects of Law Changes at Air Transportation On Air Passanger Carries for Turkey
Havayolu Taşımacılığı Kanunlarındaki Değişikliğin Türkiye'deki Havayolu Yolcu Taşımacılığı Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması
by Hülya Şen, Hakkı Polat
Published: 30.06.2014
Modeling Natural Gas Prices Volatility
Doğalgaz Fiyatlarındaki Volatilitenin Modellenmesi
by Fatih Çemrek, Hakkı Polat
Faculty of Transportation and Logistics, Istanbul University
Beyazit Campus 34452 Fatih/Istanbul/TURKEY
Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım, Ph.D.
+ 90 (212) 440 00 00 - 13219
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